Band Boosters
Who is a band booster?
If your child is part of the band program, you are! All current parents and family members are
strongly encouraged to become actively involved. We welcome people without a student connection to
the program as well! Everyone is welcome to work together to support and improve the instrumental
music program for our children.
What do we do?
Whatever is necessary! There are many administrative details to running such a large program.
Imagine, for example, the logistics of transporting more than 120 Marching Band members (uniforms,
equipment and their instruments) several miles some weekends for a band competition and Friday away
Funds must be raised and kept track of, permission slips and health forms obtained and filed,
chaperones recruited, luggage checked and stowed, as well as many other necessary details.
Such massive undertakings require parents and supporters to help everything run smoothly.
We also assist with every performance, arranging for food prior to travel, providing refreshments,
water, moving equipment, and even fixing last-minute uniform emergencies.
Of course, we raise funds for the band program. We are often asked, “Why do the HSHS Band Boosters
do so much fundraising?” There are many expenses, which we gladly cover, that help makes our
program far superior than other programs.
Band Camp clinicians, instrument repairs, trips, student meals, and a host of other small but
extremely significant details are handled by the band budget to keep our program one of the best in
the state of Virginia.
Why You?
If your child is part of the program, you are part of the natural support system. If each of the
band parents contribute a modest effort, none of us would find the task difficult. Some of us enjoy
the camaraderie of regular band events and look forward to the opportunities band parents are given
to interact with a terrific bunch of students!
Please join us and see how enjoyable it can be to do your part!
Ms. Shantea Swinson
Band Booster President